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Writer's picture Danielle Reynolds - @TokenGaymer

First Day on Kickstarter

The first day of my campaign was great! It started with a few minor issues, but I had a steady stream of backers and hit my own personal goal of getting $600 (10%) the first day out of the $6,000 I need to fund the project. Thanks to this we have been projecting well on Kicktraq. Being a first-time publisher, I know this is a race and not a sprint. I’ve received comments on how well organized the page is, the entertaining artwork and the game looking entertaining. All great compliments!

For my first update I was able to include a new review done by Unfiltered Gamer which included a live stream of my game being played on Facebook. The review was exceptionally done. He went over how to play, what he and his friends enjoyed, had some criticism (that happily I had already fixed in the rules) and got the demographic perfectly! Nut Stash is not meant for heavy gamers unless they are teaching their kids or want a light game to start a game night with their more casual gaming friends. It’s more in line with a Hasbro game or Gamewright game.

For family and friends, they don’t really look at the review section. They have either played my game or just want to support me. For anyone who doesn’t know me and my work they need recommendations by bloggers, youtubers and podcasters. So that’s what I’ve worked towards. Since I’ve had a limited budget being a one-person team, I have looked to reviewers that are free/cheap and want to build a resume. I love supporting smaller groups because that’s what I am. A newbie designer trying to make their name in the gaming industry. Unfortunately, not all my reviewers finished on time for my launch. I just hope to feature their reviews and others down the line in the campaign.

Since I have a limited budget, I have planned my month full of in-person events to market Nut Stash:

  • June 6: Podcast interview with Dustin Staats of

  • June 14 – 16: Attend Origins in Columbus, Ohio

o Appearance on Board Game Geek live stream

o Interview with Cara the Blonde Unicorn

o Pitch next game Curbside, featured on Tabletopia

Hopefully, I’ll meet some new people and add to this list!

Overall, the first day was perfect. My fiancé supported me while I worked by making me meals. My family, friends and network have begun to repost my Kickstarter link on their social medias. Plus, people I’ve never met have sent me advise, posted to their social media accounts and have payed it forward. And that’s what I love about Kickstarter. People back not only the person but the dream. For the rest of the campaign I hope that I will continue to receive support and eventually fund my game!

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